I Want to Leave my Job

Want to Quit Your Job? Here Are 5 Tips to Do It Right

One of the reasons employees stay in jobs that don’t satisfy them is because they don’t know how to quit without severing relationships — for good. Luckily, this doesn’t need to be the case. If you’re no longer happy in your current job, take the following steps to preserve your relationships with your employers.

1. Give sufficient notice.

Your employers will not look at you fondly if you quit without notice. In most cases, it is appropriate to give two weeks’ notice, although some employment contracts have different stipulations. Don’t leave your employer in the lurch; if you quit suddenly, your positive relationship will almost certainly be over.

2. Write a resignation letter.

While your employer may be informal, you still want to write a formal resignation letter. Crafting a sophisticated, thoughtful resignation letter is your best method for preserving a good relationship with your boss. In it, express your gratitude for all the skills and experience you gained in the position, suggest your willingness to train the new hire and state — very generally — your reasons for leaving

3. Be positive when describing your reasons for moving on.

Even if there are aspects of your position that make you unhappy, focus on the positive elements of your job when telling your employer why you’re quitting. If you have a new position, it is appropriate simply to say, “I’ve been offered another position.” However, if your current employer asks you for information about the perks of your new position, it’s usually best to say those details are confidential.

4. Don’t ruin your relationship.

Your boss or supervisor might be the reason that you want to quit in the first place, but don’t use your resignation as an opportunity to let your boss have it. Instead, recognize the growing trend of “boomerang employees,” or employees who left an organization only to return to it later. You never know when a new opportunity at your former workplace might arise, and you don’t want to have such a negative relationship with your ex-boss that you can’t even consider pursuing the position.

5. Keep in touch.

The best way to preserve a relationship with your former employer is to keep in touch, even after you’re no longer working together. For example, invite your former boss or colleagues to meet you for coffee. However, if you say you’re going to stay in touch, really do it. Otherwise, you’ll end up burning bridges by failing to uphold your end of the bargain.

If you’re unhappy in your position, you don’t have to settle. Instead, look for a position that better matches your skills and experience. CareerMoves, LLC can match you with a job that truly excites you. We have helped candidates find dynamic, energizing positions at over 80 Connecticut companies over the last 17 years.